Animation & Video, Illustration

How to move $1M in USDC

In early 2019, I was approached by my colleague, Anders Brownworth, Circle’s chief evangelist. Anders regularly produced videos, interactive demos, and other content to illustrate the power and potential of blockchain technology. In this case, he wanted to demonstrate how USD Coin could facilitate fast, low-cost international transfers between exchanges. We collaboratively developed the story, visual metaphors, and script for a whiteboard-style video.

I illustrated the story in Procreate, which automatically generates a recap video of a drawing’s progress. Anders precisely edited the raw exported video—cutting out scraps and redraws, tweaking timing, and adding marker squeaks—and layered in narration, resulting in a two-minute animated lesson.

For a closer look at the production process, I’ve included the original Procreate time lapse videos below.


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